Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Long time coming


Not since 2004.

Back feels better.

Clothes fit.

Ab definition.

Life is good.

Should have done this a long time ago, but lifestyle is hard to change sometimes. I finally had to admit that I'm only getting older and I've got to work harder than ever to achieve/maintain what was taken for granted years ago. Better late than never as they say.


jwm said...

What's the secret? Or do I have to wait for the book?

A few more years and I will no longer be getting younger either.


Anonymous said...

158...I have not weighed 158 since I was 14. I turned diabetic just after turning 14, lost at least 30 pounds in what seemed like a week, I think I weighed about 122 probably less when I went to the hospital after discovering that that my body was trying to consume itself after trying to recover by drinking two quarts of Hawaiian Punch in in like 15 minutes to replenish. SUGAR OVERLOAD, off to the hospital I went where they introduced me to insulin & sringes. Gained weight back quickly and have never looked back. My weight has been constant between 178 & 182 since high school.

Anonymous said...

Hey Pat, I just found a Colorado blogger who's an even bigger cross fanatic than you (witness his blog name):


He even has posted a bunch of Euro cross racing video links.
