Day 5, Remish, Luxembourg to Luxembourg City. A short day mileage-wise but lots of climbing. I would say that from the river valley at Remish to Lux City, it is mostly uphill. I really felt the single speed this day and wasn't at all sorry to have a short day. It started out cool, 55 and misty bu tturned out to be a nice day afetr all.

We have this thing about taking each other's picture out hotel room windows. Don't ask.

Definitely uphill from the river...... After 1km, the road turned straight up into a 12% climb for 3km. What a workout- one of the few times I
almost got off and walked the bike. This climb was switchbacked and I can attest to the outside of the hairpin being slightly less steep than the inside. I even had to ride side to side on the road at times in order to stay upright.

What do amorous cows have to do with cycle touring? I don't know, but I like the shot.

Mmmm, lunch. There was a fest going on in the main square of Lux City when we got there. How can you pass up foot-long brats with piles of kraut and mustard? (and of course buckets of fries with mayonnaise and spiced ketchup)

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