Saturday, April 22, 2006

Mr. Cool

So I've got a cheapo all-in-one scanner and about a million old photos. This one is circa 1993 when I still inhaled 2 packs a day and thought I was the sh!t with my cheesy mustache. Of course I traded one addiction for another when I took up cycling after quitting the butts five years ago. I dunno, which one is worse?
Now I know I'm not the sh!t. Just getting older, and in anyone's viewpoint, less cool. Shaved legs and lycra? yeah, that's really cool alright.....


The Shed Master said...

Got any PBR in that cooler?

SugsCandy said...

And I thought I was the only x-smoker in the group.... it's been 5 years for me too since the last puff and the first spin on the bike. I know smoking was worse. Replacing bad with good, one can't go wrong. Way to go. Is that really you?? I can't see past the mustache. Just Kidding.
Boy, I hope I didn't look like that when I smoked.

bubba said...

A true bad-ass
The hat, shades, and 'stache are a sweet triple threat. Raplacing that t-shirt with a wife-beater would have been the "grand-slam"

TonyG said...

OMG! What that HELL is that on your lip?

Welcome to the club, I smoked both legal and illegal for a long time. I quit smoking about 8 years ago. Can't say I miss it one bit.

Nice work --