Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Interbike 04- better late than never

With my pal Eddy. Can you see how thrilled he was to pose with me? Best buds I'll tell you.

The man Phil hisself. Truly a nice guy to sip chanpagne with. Life's rough huh?

Big Magnus Backstedt. The biggest rider in the pro peloton. Even bigger than Russell.

Speaking of the major dookie himself. Some of you may have heard the story about Russell abusing a little four wheeler until the axle twisted. Yeah, this is the evidence.

If you're a true bike geek you'll know who this dude is.


Ronsta, said...

Will i win a spork?

tosacrosser said...

Sorry for the dissapointment Ron but I don't do sporks. A nice bottle of Guinness will have to do.

Mountaingoat said...

Is that Sheldon Brown?

bubba said...

How honored all those famous cycle dudes must have felt to be photographed with THE Toascrosser....Why is it that Russell looks perfectly normal on a toy designed for a 13 yr old??

Ronsta, said...

This ain't Jeopardy so i'll give a definitive answer of, yes, Sheldon Brown!, thank you. Pat you may pass the Guiness along to Russell since i owe him one from his last contest.

DIHAF? said...

I have seen Russell standing next to Magnus. I was less impressed with Magnus after that. I was also more impressed with Russell.

Mountaingoat said...

Bullcrap! I get the Guinness.

tosacrosser said...

Goat gets the Guiness.

Star Capital Management said...

That's not Magnus, it's Eckel!